After this shoot, Jersi was in love with applesauce and just couldn't wait to get into it again. When she described how it felt, she noted how it had a sort of texture to it that she liked. At a later time when she did her Jellygirl shoot, she actually inisted that there be applesauce in that one too--that's why there's applesauce in the Jelly shoot! dammit!
anyway, watch her as she wears her little shirt in the beginning, but quickly peels it off. Seems she's not a big fan of clothes--she just likes to feel the applesauce on her skin I guess. She and Deja made a heart shape in the baby pool out of the cinnamon and the strawberry-flavored applesauce, which Jersi got to mix around with her body. Deja helped Jersi get her head-coverage later, too. Enjoy the pics and video! Oh, and the video features a couple of remixes of "Bonita Applebum" by A Tribe Called Quest.